Most of our apps are free to use with single-file uploads. However, our apps are much more powerful when used with a whole collection of a user’s own files, because the insights gained from looking at multiple matches at once are generally much more valuable than from a single match at a time. A subscription is required in order to work with multiple files, and provides you with unlimited access to our full suite of apps.

Note that to use our apps, you need to provide your own match files in .dvw or .vsm format (some apps also support .psvb files from VBStats).

Request free trial

If you want to try the apps with your own collection of files, you are welcome to request a free 21-day trial. Otherwise you can upload single files to most apps without needing a subscription or trial.

Purchase a subscription

Note that all subscriptions have a 10-day free cancellation period: cancel your subscription within the first 10 days and you will not be charged. After that, subscriptions can still be cancelled at any time.

Three subscription options are available:

Single user

  • $12 AUD per month (approx. $9 USD or €7,50 EUR at current exchange rates)
User plus 3 subaccounts

  • the main user is responsible for data upload and management
  • up to three additional 'subaccount' users have read-only access to the main user's data
  • subaccount users will see all data sets in the main user's account
  • $24 AUD per month (approx. $17 USD or €15 EUR at current exchange rates)
User plus 15 subaccounts

  • the main user is responsible for data upload and management
  • up to 15 additional 'subaccount' users have read-only access to the main user's data
  • the main user can control which data sets are visible to the subaccount users
  • $40 AUD per month (approx. $29 USD or €24 EUR at current exchange rates)

Subscription details